24 December 2010
Happy Christmas From A Winter Wonderland!
22 December 2010
Apologies To Iceman, Seems He's A Do-Gooder After All!
Yesterday I accused Iceman (think cartoon of The Amazing Spiderman) of being captured on CCTV trying to steal so icicles. Well, having returned to the site today they have increased in size proving Iceman was clearly adding to the icicles rather than trying to swipe them! Bobby Drake, I apologise! In other news, I think the idea of winter-madness is clearly proposterous...
19 December 2010
Life's A Beach With Snow-Where To Hide...
16 December 2010
And Snow It Begins... Set to hit -283°C
Weather update: it's started snowing in the centre of Edinburgh, albeit very lightly. Is this going to be the once-in-a-generation blizzrds they are predicting? Heresay figures suggest that it will get down to a few degress above absolute zero, however with wind chill it will feel like 10 degress below absolute zero (thanks to P5ychofox for verifying that this is theortetically possible and a doubly funny gag from Futurama). Ah well, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
8 December 2010
Waiter, There's Glass In My Snow...
6 December 2010
A Birthday Week: An Introductory Guide
During your Birthday Week you are like a child again: get to choose what happens, where you go, what you eat and when it all takes places. You are not a dictator but treated like a prince or princess for that time. If you fancy something then why not, it's your Birthday Week. A normal Birthday Week lasts 5 days, although it could on rare occasions be as long as 6 or as little as 4. It starts 2-3 days before the big day and runs 1-2 days afterwards. This can vary depending on what milestone it is and when exactly it is in the year (if it clashes with anything else).
If your birthday lands on a Monday then probably it would run from the Friday before through to the Tuesday (just one day after). By then you should have had more than enough time celebrating and turning into your next year. A Tuesday birthday could plausible start on the Friday and run to the Wednesday. Wednesdays are interesting as you would start on the Monday and then run through to the following Saturday, although in this case you are celebrating more after the event. Thursdays would probably do similar, although start on the Tuesday and Fridays most likely start back on the Wednesday and run through to Sunday. Weekend birthdays usually start on a Thursday and end on the Monday, again depending on how important the year is.
28 November 2010
Let's Rename This Month To Snovember!
Arthur's Seat is just still visible in this shot, incredible how much snow has fallen in the centre of Edinburgh in one night. Who said it couldn't snow again? (Okay that may have been said in mid-April).
6 November 2010
I'll Have A Gin and ... Apple?
When you don't like cucumber but love gin, an important question to ask your tender is what do you recommend serving it with. Hopefully the answer will come back lime rathern than cucumber but I certainly don't expect the answer 'red apple'. Behold Carunn, a new from a small distillery in Speyside. It tastes very floral and the soft acidity from the apple complemnts it wonderfully, where lime would drown out then flavours and fragrence, where it would just taste like watered down Bombay. It's my second favourite Scottish gin, after Blackwoods of course...
9 October 2010
The (Nissan) Juke Of Edinburgh Rocks The Galleries!
Thankfully, LCI Projects, the brilliant team behind the event, have posted a single angle and edited video for you to relive my experiences.
14 September 2010
Writing Ideas On A Napkin ... Properly
I've scribbled many ideas down on scraps of paper, used envelopes and on occasion on a napkin (a handy way to remember phones numbers!). This however is a very professional way to do it!
30 August 2010
I'm All Out At 47, Now Only 338 Days Until Edinburgh Fringe 2011
47 shows, 3 misses, 2 no entries and 1 walk out (in the first category) and I'm done. Lots ofn reviews to be written up for use by Googlers over the rest of the year (as these shows are either World Premieres or European Premiere). I met and spoke to Sa mmy J, Celia Pacquola, Alan Cumming, Phill Jupitus and post-win, Russell Kane who were all lovely. Also saw Clive Anderson and Jo Brand plus numerous other performers. This is the first, and last year, I have seen every nominee. Sadly some of them are just not to my taste nor of award quality. But the sad news is of course that it's all over for another 48 weeks and 1 day...
28 August 2010
Police Seeking Witnesses As Man Is Bound, Gagged & Mugged In Central Edinburgh
A violent crime happened in the middle of the day today as a young tourist from New Zealand was shockingly gagged and mugged in broad daylight. The young man, nothing more than a boy called , is at the end of his three week stay in Edinburgh and is missing a statue and valuable title that is rightfully his. It is believed that the crime was organised by Nica Burns who is well known in Edinburgh circles and it is understood that an inoccent third party, Londoner Roisin Conaty, is currently in possesion of the 'stolen' property, although it is being stressed she doesn't deserve any blame. People are being advised to keep their eyes open to try to see The Boy With Tape On His Face and spread the word about his un-just loss.
Edinburgh Comedy Award Is Now Foster's Consistent Performer Award
So the winner's have been announced. Once again we are in a position wheren the Best Comedy Show award does not go to the best comedy show, but rather the Most Consistent Performer, much liken when Rhod Gilbert lost out to David O'Doherty. Russell Kane has won despite both Greg Davies's and Bo Burnham's shows being significantly better than his, in fact the non-nominated Kevin Eldon possibly had a better show too (although Russel's was better than Sarah Millican, don't know about Josie's yet). Interesting fact about Russel Kane's show this year: I had to give away my ticket because of his big finale, although I did get to re-book.
Best Newcomer is Roisin Conaty and I'm seeingn her in a few hours (not personally though, just in her show!). She will have to be awe-inspiring to have justifiably beaten The Boy With Tape On His Face. Bo Burnham gets the Panel Prize and should have really been runner up in the main award, if there was such a position. Another year of lowest common demoninator decisions for the shortlist and most consencious building show for the awards.
25 August 2010
The Official Foster's Edinburgh Comedy Award Nominees Are...
Pre-empting the Foster's Edinburgh Comedy Award Shortlist
12 August 2010
Tom Wrigglesworth - Nightmare Dream Wedding
10 August 2010
Andrew Lawrence - Too Ugly For TV
Dan Antopolski - Turn of the Century
9 August 2010
Ivan Brackenbury - Hospital Radio Remix
8 August 2010
Richard Herring - Christ On A Bike 2
Sarah Millican - Chatterbox
Adam Riches - Rides!
7 August 2010
Sarah Pascoe - Vs Her Ego
Colin Hoult - Enemy Of The World
6 August 2010
Sammy J - Skinny Man, Modern World
But this review is just about Sammy J and I have to start it by summarising a conversation I was very lucky enough to have with the show's star the next night. The whole content of this show is true. You will find it hard to believe but I have it from the source that everything (well, with one obvious exception) is real. With this in mind Sammy takes us along on a musical and stand-up journey from his teenage years, to his future death, back to falling in love, being a performer in Adelaide and previous years in Edinburgh. Breaking out from two years of character driven story telling Sammy performs with a confidence and smoothness that acknowledges his physical limitations ("Sammy ain't a fighter") whilst looking very sharp in his trendy suit. The hour flies by as Sammy effortlessly delivers his well-paced disparate sets. Thoroughly enjoyable, light-hearted relief from a real talent doing his third different style of show in as many years. 8 out of 10, aka 4 stars and a certain re-booking for next year (which rumours have it means Ricketts Lane comes to the UK!).
Celia Pacquola - Flying Solos
Along the way we have insights back into Celia's shameful childhood and the relationship she has with her mother. It's not all personal discover as there are some very good jokes and concepts in there, especially a cleaning joke that seemed to not get the credit or time it deserved (but that might be a cultural thing). Her merging between video, props and music is very smooth and seamless, just like her lights & clicking trick from last year. The show builds to a climax for Celia to genuinely stand up on her own two feet, even beyond the scope of the stage, and achieve something that seemed totally impossible at the beginning of the show. The audience really loved it and left elated and feeling so positive, in fact I defy anyone to leave the show not feeling uplifted (cue inevitable comparisons with Adam Hills and quite rightly so). A thoroughly enjoyable hour from such a likeable person, 8 out of 10, aka 4 stars and I will be back to see Celia again next year!
Sophie Black - A Sketch Show
She performs her characters with relative proficiency and wraps up the last 15 mins with callbacks and closure to earlier stories but by this point the audience just didn't seem to care. It took 10 mins for me to start looking at my watch and wondering why I had gone to see another humourless show like Nick Mohammed, whilst someone left after the second scene (about 20 minutes in, which is about the same time I stayed for Nick Mohammed's show two years ago). Was there anything of any note in her show? Sadly not. If you are interested in seeing someone do an average job of pretending to be characters that are slightly exaggerated and follow stories peppered with silly statements in lieu of jokes, then I'm sure you can pick from many others in the same category as Sophie. 6 out of 10, aka 2 stars, which is sadly the same disappointing start to this year's Fringe as last year!
And So The 64th Edinburgh Fringe 2010 Starts!
5 August 2010
My Resevoir Dogs Routine Is Over...
31 July 2010
Two Ways To Root A Sony Ericsson X10 Mini Pro
The second method was actually posted before Bin4ry rooted the phone and works off a security exploit by (I believe) a Czech guru called nadlabak. His rooting system is a bit easier as it works on all versions but can easily be fixed in the next software update so I'm using it until Bin4ry's version works for my firmware. His exploit (referred to as Exploid) can be seen on his website.
Bye bye RoadSync, RollerCoaster, Peggle, Notes and TimeScape (although rather than removing the last two I renamed the apps from *.apk to *.bak just in case...)!
24 July 2010
Shouldn't Today Be The Longest Day Of The Year?
I think the European Parliament should re-align the calendar (created in Europe) so that today be the longest day of the year. 24/7 makes far more sense than 21/6 (or 22, whatever it is). True it wouldn't make sense to to Americans with their messed up date system but tough. of course it would work either for Asia and their superior International date format and the ISO standard but you can't please everyone...
On a slightly related note I love the gag from Two and a Half Men when Jake comments that his mother and her husband are arguing 31. Explaining that he looked perplexed and said "31. Y'know, 24 and 7... Geez and you say that I need to work harder at math'.
23 July 2010
Mark Kermode Offers Insights to Inception's Inspiration
22 July 2010
I Am Not A Follower of Fashion, I Am A Free Man!
Unlike Markies... I guess they've been looking at last year's Hallowe'en pictures...
15 July 2010
The Best Licence Plate In Years? AE 10 YOU

14 July 2010
My First Official New Word: Double-Wicking
Double-Wicking - verb (only used in Present Perfect Continuous tense)
To burn the candle at both ends, e.g. I've been double-wicking a lot recently
In a moment of creativity it came to me and I now submit it to the ages as my first official* word. Believe it or not but I'm hot on your heels Colbert...
* = Well, my first public word. Like most people there are dozens of words I've created or altered in a unique language known only to me and my (at the time) better half. You know if anyone ever actually makes a physical, hand-stitched version of 'Your Language' to English dictionary then they should probably be crowned the Most Romantic Man Alive... Excellent, I now have a title to my collection and another thing to chase Colbert with!
12 July 2010
Fernado Torres Wins The World Cup For Liverpool!
Su *bufanda* demostró que era un rojo; Torres, Torres!
8 July 2010
The Easiest Marketing Gig Ever ... Call Your Product Snog!
3 July 2010
Guess Who's Back? Mountain Dew in the UK!
29 June 2010
Limited Time Offer: England World Cup Stuff In Scotland?
However, in delaying writing about this there was a slightly missed opportunity, out by about one week.
The promotional offer ends on the 20th June, if only they had of extended it by an extra week and it would have been as psychic as the damn German octopus...!
20 June 2010
500 Posts Over 5 Years ... Happy Birthday To PhillG.com!
13 June 2010
Acceptable Institutional Racism Through Retail
12 June 2010
ITV1 HD Miss Opening England Goal & Only Scotland Has HD Now!
UPDATED: It seems they have restored some camera feeds for the mid-point of the half (as the ITV HD logo returned) but the whole game is still not in full HD in England, only in Scotland! Furthermore the second half is being broadcast only in standard definition.
8 June 2010
Sex Sells... Unfortunately I Just Point Out Advert Copy-Cats!
5 June 2010 And British Cinema Plumbs Depths Below Alice Creed
30 May 2010
I'm Cured! Well, Diagnosed & It's Not A Negative Brain Scan...
29 May 2010
Is M&S Following Ann Summer's Marketing Strategy A Perfect Fit?
That said, they do have a long way to go before they hit the "heights" of Ann Summer's. Take a look at their 'red hot sale' advert on the main shopping street in Edinburgh a couple of years ago and tell me if that is too far... I assume that the official line is that it is a match bursting into flames.
28 May 2010
How Much Is That Complementary Drink In The Window?
18 May 2010
Guy Running Edinburgh Marathon In Fancy Dress Is Not The Real Looney!
12 May 2010
Sitting Near Number 10, Unaware Of My Dream Coming True...
9 May 2010
I Took On The Internet, And I Won! I Was Right Sounds So Good...
2 May 2010
Edinburgh Is A Dry City, No Drinking Please...
C'mon You Wonderful Wigan Warriors!
27 April 2010
Toy Story 3's UK Premiere IS In Edinburgh At EIFF!
25 April 2010
Scariest Movie In Years Is Amongst Us... Schizo!
24 April 2010
More Intelligent Audience Seen At Previous Senior Scottish Debates...
23 April 2010
Working Lunch To End ... What Will I Be On Next?
16 April 2010
Liverpool FC Is Finally Up For Sale! Bye-Bye Muppets!
15 April 2010
Tesco Mobile Has Me Bouncing With Peaceful Joy!
Transcendental Meditation logo, TM.org |
13 April 2010
Exclusive: My Conservative Candidate Is A Klang-Banger!
UPDATE: I sent this through to Steve Bennett at Chortle.co.uk to see if it made would be interesting for his WTF (Weekly Trivia File) and it made the cut! A link would have been nice but that's not why I sent it in, just happy to share!
11 April 2010
Swans Abandon Egg A Week After Easter...
10 April 2010
'Shelter' Under Your Coat Or Away From Bad Direction?
8 April 2010
Alex Ferguson is Forgetful In His Old Age ... Or A Hypocrite!
Dictionary definition of a hypocrite |
6 April 2010
Trash of the Titans - Release the Krap in 3D!
3 April 2010
Note to Gordon Brown - Don't Play A Spin Master At His Own Game!
This ad is now going out on the same 11 digital billboards as the Labour one, so there will be 22 images of Dave Cameron as the most loved person on TV. I'd already asked the question how badly the Labour Party wants to lose this election but this is pure suicide! Mark my previously written words, there will be no hung parliament, Cameron will win with a decent majority (and that's not my political preference, my ideal would be a Lib Dem - Conservative alliance to bring in real change, just calling it as it will be).
1 April 2010
Spanish LFC April Fool's Story Sucks In Imaginary Sports Reporters
However there is an interesting point about the final two "news sources". Yes, everyone is simply re-printing the "quotes" directly from Marca, but The Telegraph have lost a lot of staff in recent times and according to Private Eye, they run agency copy for sports pieces and (have previously) attribute imaginary names to the piece. This story is apparently written by 'Telegraph Staff' and end with "Benitez has not forgiven Riera, worried about his World Cup chances, for so publicly trying to manufacture a move at a crucial time of the season by misrepresenting his relationship with him". That sounds awfully like the way ESPN's 'Soccernet Staff' concluded their piece which was "The Reds boss has not forgiven Riera, worried about his World Cup chances, for so publicly trying to manufacture a move at a crucial time of the season by misrepresenting his relationship with him". It seems The Telegraph are not the only ones using agency copy and publishing it as pieces 'written' by their 'staff'.
31 March 2010
Help Find A Missing Girl: Laura Palmer. Posters All Around London
30 March 2010
Who Said It Couldn't Snow Again?!
Either way, have a wonderful birthday,
28 March 2010
(Almost) 10 Years of Bedroom-based Broadband Browsing
26 March 2010
Don't Opt-Out of Junk Text Messages from Real Numbers!
24 March 2010
Mensa UK Are Stupid and Unobservant!
"You have £5.84 in change and it's made up of four different denominations of coins, the largest being 50p. You have exactly the same number of each coin. Which coins do you have and how many of each coin?"
Now you may think that's a good puzzle, it should keep you going for a little bit. That's true. The answer will apparently be revealed next week (29th), also fine. I want to know why they decided to put some stock images of British coins to brighten up the web page...?