28 February 2010
¡Estoy Muy Impresionado Con O2!
We’re sorry but your O2 Home Broadband will be slower than normal between this Saturday 08:00am and Sunday 08:00am. A transport company is doing some major track side maintenance work where we have some cables, which will affect the speed of your broadband service. Even though this is beyond our control, we’re sorry.
Wow! Pre-emptively warning me about possible interference in my internet access and it's not even their guys doing the interfering! ¡Muy impresionado!
27 February 2010
Wishing You A Merry Valentine's Day & A Happy New March!
24 February 2010
Almost Got My Ducks In A Row...

Extra prize for anyone who can identify the 'ducks' for me!
Although, now that I think of it, this post could easily be an analogy for my life right now (except for not remembering the names of birds... ;-) !
21 February 2010
Mum's The Word For Pre-School Ed-you-kay-shun...
19 February 2010
What Is Real? It Seems Everything On TV Is Fake!
12 February 2010
Scousers Here, Scousers There, Scousers ... erm Not In Parliament?
This has caused an outrage! She foolishly agreed to be quizzed by the Liverpool Echo on Liverpool's history and from what I can tell she only managed to name one of The Beatles and has no idea who Bill Shankly was or who performed Ferry Across The Mersey! Aside from countless questions being raised within the Labour Party, they now face a huge threat to their vote share with Comic Actor and famous Socialist Labour Party supporter, Ricky Tomlinson (from nearby Blackpool), trying to stand against her! So come May we can expect Labour to lose, maybe the Socialist Labour Party or Lib Dems to win, but the biggest winner will be David Cameron with a majority one greater than it would have been if sense had of prevailed.
11 February 2010
Why Is Michael McIntyre Starring As The Wolfman?
Just back from watching The Wolfman and there are several things that have surprised me about this film. I believe it has been delayed by many months which it spent in post-production and I'm pleased that this hasn't made it into a long and drawn out film. Yes, it is a little bit schizophrenic at times, but the acting, the direction, the sets, the special effects and the make up are all very professional. In fact on the, I'm stunned how they managed to take 21st Century comedy maestro Michael McIntyre and age him slightly to be the lead actor:
The film is quite enjoyable, doesn't bore you at any point and has a nice sprinkling of loud noises / jump out scenes as well as some hardcore gore (similar to Daybreakers in not pulling any punches). From the opening titles, you realise that this is a remake of a classic Hammer horror film about "The Wolfman". It's not a serious thriller about werewolves nor a teen flick about love between monsters. All it tries to do is tell the story of this one Wolfman and it does that pretty well. That said, there are times especially in the first half hour were the direction and acting comes across as a serious drama or suspense thriller which at the time does confuse you. When you leave and you recall the opening titles, the main sequence in the middle and the closing scene, you know that it is very good and modern Hammer horror film which does entertain.