28 November 2011

Imported Japanese Beer From Canada!?! WTF...

Sigh.  I see the lovely Japanese lager Sapporo on sale in Tesco with the glorious words on the front "Imported".  Wonderful, so happy!  Then I look at the back (because I'm a curious monkie [sic]) and I see that it's brewed in Canada.  Why?!  Sad face. [Side note: This was first published on Google+ ... are you on there?]

14 November 2011

Tesco Breaks (Galaxy) Promise - More Dodgy Deals

Sigh. I always looked at the SEL (shelf edge labels) when i put them out. Are the people across the UK in Tesco mere automatons? Galaxy Promises in Caramel or Truffle, £1.50 each or 2 for £4...

5 November 2011

Google Maps Has Been Rigged ... Thankfully!

Google are altering their search results - and I have proof!  Thankfully this is a good thing though.  A wishing-to-be-anonymous frien-d on-line forward me an email he sent through to Google Maps about their auto-complete of the location of the horrific massacre by Anders Behring Breivik.  Entering "utoeya, norway" autocompletes to 'Did you mean: utopia, norway'.  Eep.  Thankfully Google acted relatively swiftly and it now corrects to 'Did you mean: utoya, norway' and links to Utøya.