15 September 2013
The Original Nightmare Comes To Cineworld This Hallowe'en
I was sitting in +Cineworld Cinemas today watching the trailers, when I saw the iconic words New Line Cinemas in a bold red font. It couldn't be, could it? There's a note, then another, so soft yet so sinister... It is! Freddy's back in all his original glory! This Hallowe'en in Cineworld Cinemas there is a beautiful re-release of the original horror classic A Nightmare On Elm Street. Can't wait to never sleep, again.
Films and TV
13 September 2013
Announcing The Official Technical Sales Blog at NUM6.co.uk
So this is a weird situation, where my personal world and professional world start to mix. The technical sales, training and consultancy I set up, NUM 6, is now starting to push out useful (and free!) technical and sales training tips and advice via our new Technical Sales Blog. It's strange having two different audiences with two different messages, but I hope it provides some value. It's relevant if you sell anything - such as your ideas to your peers or customers or family. Yep, almost everyone "sells" something, and here are some regular useful tips on how to excel at doing it in a sincere and honest way. Sell well!
10 August 2013
A Rosé In Any Other Colour Would Still Taste As Sweet
3 August 2013
Being A Sell Out Beats Awards At Edinburgh Fringe?

2 June 2013
Martian Road Signs In Glasgow Are Alien To Me
Is this a Martian turning his head to the
side when looking at me, or is it instead the weirdest road sign in the world? Curvy lines, looping back and extra bends make navigating at the West End in Glasgow is very strange...
28 May 2013
Guess Who's Back Beautiful? Gorgeous Edinburgh!
On the day Edinburgh is named happiest city in the UK, guess who's back to make our city life full of more genuine smiles...? It's the subversive graffiti artist / art student project with more complimentary chalking! Either that or I'm imagining messages just addressed to me at St James Centre...
16 May 2013
Paint The Whole World With A Rainbow . Every Little Helps...
A lot of big downpours lately and some nice Spring sunshine means a plethora of rainbows popping up all over Edinburgh. They are almost as common as Tesco stores, but certainly far prettier to look at and feed my soul rather than my body.
9 April 2013
Ireland Has Some Strange Traffic Rules, Perhaps From The Dark Side
Ireland has some strange rules… For example, during peak travel no more than 5 Imperial Tie Fighters allowed at one time. It seems they do as much damage as schoolchildren in corner shops!
A Sign People Are Ho-pin-g To Leave Dublin?
8 April 2013
Best Gents Toilets sign ever! Or rather, best “Used Beer Dept.”...
Best Gents Toilets sign ever! Or rather, best “Used Beer Dept.” sign… Hugely impressed with The Porterhouse in Bray, and very grateful the sign is outside the gents and meant I didn't have to try and snap another photo inside the gents! Again!
Molson launches in Ireland today - Get it in The Bailey, Dublin
Molson launches in Ireland today, in The Bailey, central Dublin. Great Canadian lager with a crisp clean taste. Just been in there having a few pints of it whilst they go through the press launch and have a few cool photos taken (the bar is kitted out with a moose's head and gorgeous white wolf). Here's my entry for the competition they were running to snap a pic to celebrate their launch. I even managed to get the compulsory bicycle in the shot (as every Irish-themed pub would have me believe).
Food and Drink,
30 March 2013
Which Came First, The Chocolate Chicken Or The Egg?
Surely the chocolate Easter Egg has hatched and we know have chocolate Easter Chickens... But inside this chocolate chicken is a chocolate egg...! Either way, this is a great reason to eat your Easter Eggs as soon as possible else they may hatch and you'll have to feed the chicken and give it space to roam around.
Food and Drink,
23 February 2013
Stocks & Shots - The Press Loved It Too!

Food and Drink,
Scotland's First Stock Market Bar - 13 Years Ago Today
Stocks and Shots was an evening at The Caledonian Brewery, organised between EUTIC and SiS, which brought the first stock market bar to Scotland. The principle is just like the real stock market - when a drink is in demand, the price rises; when it's not, the price falls. It's that simple. And the night was awesome - enjoy!

Food and Drink,
14 February 2013
Google Is Spreading The Love Of Me Underwater
A treat for everyone of Valentine's Day, for any woman, man or other. After a brief hiatus I'm back in the top four images for "person underwater". This sexy / questionable *(delete as appropriate) pose, which is very hard to maintain underwater with your eyes wide open, is back in the top four images when searching for person underwater, which means when you enter a normal web search through Google, it offers you me as an image you may want to see! And who wouldn't...? Other than those people with functioning eyes...?
#egotist or #ironic or #bitofboth
#egotist or #ironic or #bitofboth
10 February 2013
The Naked Truth: Everyone Dies In The Night Garden, Or Kitchen
It's very rare that I get moved to hear about the death of someone I've never met, let alone only recently heard about. Sadly on May 8th 2012, the incredible Maurice Sendak passed away. He was the brilliant mind behind Where The Wild Things Are, but also some more important books and also the inspiration to the most popular young children's TV show, "Crack for Babies", aka "In The Night Garden". Hmm, that's a rather bold claim with no other results on Google. Let me explain.
One of the most controversial (picture) books is Maurice Sendak's "In The Night Kitchen" about a young boy who dreams and is naked throughout his dream. In the extended interview (shown on the day of his passing) with Stephen Colbert, Maurice says his favourite book is the one he wrote about his Sealyham Terrier before her death, entitled "Higglety Pigglety Pop!". Now let's compare the similarities: In The Night Garden's (interesting title!) lead character is male and is the only one that is completely naked (spooky!), and his name is Igglepiggle (seriously?!). You tell me if that isn't a huge homage to the great Maurice Sendak. So while your children are watching their Grade A TV Narcotics, or while you don't have any children, go get a copy of Maurice's greatest book (in his eyes), and I guarantee you'll cry your eyes out reading it.
One of the most controversial (picture) books is Maurice Sendak's "In The Night Kitchen" about a young boy who dreams and is naked throughout his dream. In the extended interview (shown on the day of his passing) with Stephen Colbert, Maurice says his favourite book is the one he wrote about his Sealyham Terrier before her death, entitled "Higglety Pigglety Pop!". Now let's compare the similarities: In The Night Garden's (interesting title!) lead character is male and is the only one that is completely naked (spooky!), and his name is Igglepiggle (seriously?!). You tell me if that isn't a huge homage to the great Maurice Sendak. So while your children are watching their Grade A TV Narcotics, or while you don't have any children, go get a copy of Maurice's greatest book (in his eyes), and I guarantee you'll cry your eyes out reading it.
3 February 2013
Saying White Rabbits Three Times Summons The Dark Side
On the first of the month people have a tradition of saying "white rabbits" three times. However, just like Beetlejuice, saying "white rabbits" on any other day (like the 2nd!) summons are far darker rabbit that doesn't care that he's late. I was going for dark, creepy, and sexy, in a Japanese-remake kind of way. Did I pull it off? Would you follow me down a rabbit hole...?
Films and TV,
17 January 2013
Princess Square In Glasgow Shows Off It's (Pea-) Cocky Front
16 January 2013
Getting Inspiration From The Heavens On A Crisp Morn
13 January 2013
Ever Get The Feeling Buildings Are Watching You…?
They are watching us all... And this seems to be the Queen of the Watchers, else why is 'she' wearing a tiara? Let's hope they are watching out for us, just like the Liver Birds do in Liverpool. On the plus side, this building can't fly away!
10 January 2013
Is This The Birth Of A New Universe Visible To The Naked Eye?
Probably not, but "oil" let you decide... (what a awful pun next to a pretty / enigmatic picture...)
9 January 2013
Through The Square Window Today, We Have A Crescent Moon...
5 January 2013
Scotland Has Stunning Scenery And Stunning Chillies!
Food and Drink,
4 January 2013
It’s Like 10,000 peppers When All You Need Is A Salt...
Food and Drink,
3 January 2013
Can You Have The “January Blues” In A City As Enchanting As Edinburgh...?
1 January 2013
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