11 November 2014
Exclusive: Toy Story 4's European Premiere Will Be Sat 17th June 2017!
12 July 2014
Heart-breaker: Pram, Never Used, *Not* For Sale.
11 July 2014
Truly Of Biblical Proportions - It's Coming In Only 7 Weeks!
10 July 2014
Tesco Find A New Pathway To Failing At Basic Maths
26 April 2014
Unintentional Institutional Racism In Advertising
31 March 2014
The Only Flight From Edinburgh To Edinburgh Has Been Cancelled!
13 March 2014
Princes Mall Possesses Party Season - Or Can't Punctuate!

9 February 2014
Co-op Against Independence And - Or Basic Geography Knowledge
Wow, never expected The Co-operative supermarket to come out with such an early pro-union message! Near the West End of Edinburgh, the Friday before the Scotland vs England 6 Nations game, in their supermarket closest to Murrayfield (depending on travel direction), the Co-op proudly promote a special offer on Coca Cola when you buy the Coventry Telegraph - a paper for a city a mere 300 miles away and in another country! I can't see what else this could be other than an anti-independence statement - surely no one could be that oblivious to put that out by mistake?
Taylor Walker's Classic Pub Food? Classic Mistake!
Sigh. Big companies are still making the same basic mistakes. How can you seriously not employ a proof reader with marketing / quality assurance that has a decent grade at GCSE English?
So Taylor Walker pubs have "classic pub food" do they? Well, as the possessive apostrophe doesn't exist in the third person generic, their follow up line must mean "at it is best!". Unsurprisingly that doesn't get my taste buds tingling, instead it gets my grammar goat up!