Danger: Mem working at great height above. On scaffolding. Made out of bamboo. Wow! Apparently it's very strong and lightweight so a great material. Think I'd prefer metal though...
28 March 2012
Scaffolding Sprouts Up As Quick As Bamboo In Hong Kong
Danger: Mem working at great height above. On scaffolding. Made out of bamboo. Wow! Apparently it's very strong and lightweight so a great material. Think I'd prefer metal though...
Advertising Location Is Better Than Location Location
It seems battles can still rage even after one party wins a coveted location... Here on Hong Kong Island KFC clearly have a great location, so much so that McDonald's wants to advertise right next to it! Naturally KFC decide to place a huge advert right above their own store. Madness...
My First Taste Of China, Just Past Customs
My first ever sight of "China" (well, Hong Kong) , as I exit Customs at Hong Kong airport. It's amazing how exotic and eastern it looks...
17 March 2012
Altruistic Graffiti Or Another Art Student Project?
Edinburgh is seeing an increase in chalk graffiti right now but this time it has a message. Unlike a decade ago when an art student promoted his degree show chalking (is that even a verb?) "Who Is Ryder?" across Edinburgh, this time the graffiti has a message of doing good. The day after Valentine's Day we have "You Look Pretty Today! :)" and a week before Mother's Day (it's tomorrow!) "Tell Your Mother You Love Her!" appears.
Is this the work of someone wanting to make the city a happier place, or an experimental piece of art about love (such a cynical thought!)...?
PS: #700
UPDATE: Another nice one taken near The Royal Mile (via Google Local Edinburgh's twitter feed)
Is this the work of someone wanting to make the city a happier place, or an experimental piece of art about love (such a cynical thought!)...?
PS: #700
UPDATE: Another nice one taken near The Royal Mile (via Google Local Edinburgh's twitter feed)
13 March 2012
Pixar's Brave European Premiere Is '7 Days Later'
Okay, so I got it wrong. My carefully predicted estimate of the European Premiere for Pixar's Brave was a week earlier than it actually will be as they have decided to have the premiere on
the closing night of the 2012 EIFF. It's a pretty good idea to make it a focal point although I think closing night films are even ore expensive (the opening night film is usually £15), should have factored the money making aspect in to my calculation!
the closing night of the 2012 EIFF. It's a pretty good idea to make it a focal point although I think closing night films are even ore expensive (the opening night film is usually £15), should have factored the money making aspect in to my calculation!
Films and TV
8 March 2012
Too Big To Nick? Then Fake Chain It Up!
How exactly are these chains helping? If it's to stop it falling over why the padlocks and not just simple (cheap) rope? Or do they not see the flaw in their plan...?
6 March 2012
4 March 2012
2 March 2012
Another Muppet's Film Is One It's Way, Yay!!
After a hugely successful, Oscar winning film, it seems that we are (hopefully) at the start he start of a new series of Muppets films as Coming Soon.net is reporting that a sequel to The Muppets is on its way! Another Oscar winner? Maybe Best Film..? Yay!! C'mon everybody...
Films and TV
26 February 2012
1 Million People Listened To John Paul II Here
Great shot, lovely day and great composition (if I do say so myself). This is Phoenix Park, the largest (walled) park in Europe and the location of Pope John Paul II's mass in 1979 to over one million Irish Catholics (one would assume those two groupings are correct). Legend has it the city folk made loads of sandwiches to sell to the influx of 'tourists' at some cost but expecting a decent profit. The travelling thousands brought their own food and a huge amount of food (and money) was lost!
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